Saturday, March 13, 2010

4 months old

So Caleb is 4 months old already. Everyone always tells you to enjoy every moment because it goes by so fast but you truly don't realize what they mean until its too late. Now that C is my second child I knew and yet somehow I feel as though it is still going too fast. He is 17 lbs 4oz already wearing a 9 month size clothing. He has 2 teeth coming in and this past week we started baby food! I thought with him I would for sure wait a little longer since he was not quite the champ at eating as Aiden was. But I was wrong. He started and he loves it. This time around I am making his baby food. So he has had butternut squash and bananas so far. Next he will try apples and carrots. It is so super easy to do. And I loved the baby food brand we used with my first son and will probably use some for when we go on trips and stuff. I try to give my children organic veggies and fruit and unprocessed meats. So it is definitely cheaper to make your own in the beginning then buy it. My little sister bought me the trays with little 3 oz portioned cups which make it even easier to make his food. Aw my precious little one. Thank you for making our family even more joyful with each passing day. I love you. Mama

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