Busy weekends are a double edged sword. We always have so much fun and I have always been a busy girl but lately I love being home with the family I am creating. Plus I always feel like I need a day off from my day off. But this was a good weekend. I am beat and still not home yet but who cares my baby got in the pool for the first time today! Doesn't he look so adorable? I know I, being his mother, am very partial but he is so damn cute. Our weekend began with Aiden having t-ball pictures at 8:20 in the morning Saturday. Followed by a game then lunch with my grandma. Next a few shopping stops and home for the neighbors little girl's bday party. We scooted out of there after a couple of hours to head to another friends house where we ended up staying until 11:00pm. Whew then back up at 4 am for work and now I sit at my mom's so tired yet so happy watching Aiden lay on my mom's lap listening to her ipod. These are the moments I treasure. Just us being us without worrying about who, what, where, or when. Pool time with the whole family was great. I am loving having more than one child. I can't explain what it is but it's just so different. Not that Aiden was not enough, (believe me this kid is nonstop even in his sleep) but I love it. It's just seeing them together and this bond we all have. Having Caleb has definitely made me enjoy motherhood in a whole new way. And just like after Aiden, I am torn between having another of stopping here. I am so happy and content will adding another be too much? What if the balance of my little family unit falls out of whack and spins out of control. I have been so blessed shouldn't I be happy with what I got and not mess with a good thing? I love having babies why should I stop? I am always so confused at this point in the decision process. Just don't tell schmoopy, he wants to stop and until I make up my mind we need to keep pushing him to have another!!! Okay must bathe Aiden and go HOME!!!
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