Wednesday, February 10, 2010

3 months Already?

Today Caleb is 3 months old. I cannot believe he has been here that long already. I can remember so vividly, like it was yesterday, his beautiful and fun birth. So in honor of his day I will tell my story of how he came to be.
Matt and I always knew we would have more than one child. But when Aiden was born and we fell so deeply in love with him it was hard deciding when the perfect time to add to our family would be. I mean for those that do not have any children it is a love you can never understand in a million years. I always said I loved my brother and sister as if they were my own children but that was ignorance talking. No offense to Zach and Jeannie I love them plenty but the love you have for a child is undescribable. But I digress. We finally figured out when and funny enough it was the time we always said we would try, when Aiden was 3 we wanted #2 to be here already. So in November of 2008 we decided it was time to stop preventing nature from doing its duty and start trying to conceive(ttc). Within a few months we discovered we were pregnant. Actually I knew before I could find out for sure because all I wanted was vinegar anything and beer! It's my first trimester craving so I chugged a Corona back knowing it would be my last for at least a year. And a couple of weeks later we confirmed my eggo was preggo.
    Now this pregnancy was much like my first. Easy going, no morning sickness but I didn't gain weight like with Aiden. Instead I lost and I am thankful for that because I lost Caleb's weight easy but still have Aiden weight to lose. I knew after my scary delivery with Aiden that I would definitely opt for a repeat c-section. So when we heard November 10, 2009 would be Caleb's arrival date we were excited, especially Matt as that happens to be the Marine Corp birthday and he is a former marine. Urah! Anywho on that special day we woke up I packed my bag and took some time to spend just me Matty and Aiden excited, a little nervous, and sad that Aiden's life would forever be changed and that I was doing it to him. We get to the hospital and we have to wait for an hour and a half because there are no beds! They kept telling me don't worry it is happening today just a little later then expected.
   Finally the nurse comes out to get me and the process begins. I put on the gown, they strap me into all the monitors and start my iv. My mom comes in to keep me company and take a few pics. I meet everyone who will be in the o.r. with me and they are very nice and we joke and keep the mood happy. I learn my cousin Lynsie will get to be in the o.r. as well because she is a nurse there and happens to have a moment to sneak away! So away we go into the room and soon Kai, the anestheisologist, is inserting my spinal block and I start to feel funny and numb. Spinal is so much better than an epidural. Then the nurse starts to put my catheter in and I realize I can see everything in the reflection off the light above me. Everyone comes in Dr. Helliwell and Dr. Kaneen greet us and let us know everything will begin very soon. The radio is on and we are all joking and the staff is teasing one another. It is so relaxing and fun I just lay there thinking this! This is the way I always wanted my children to be born, with us laughing and joyful. Soon they are hacking into me and I watch as they burn into my flesh and soon begin to smell it. Yes I watched my surgery in the reflection of the light. It was amazing and wish I could have seen it all but Kai readjusted the light and I lost my view. Caleb was stubborn he had sucked himself all the way back up into my chest and after much pushing on me they decided to use the vaccum to get him out. He came out screaming and to She Wolf by Shakira. That song will forever be etched into my head and memory of Caleb.
    Immediately I asked how he looked and everyone said beautiful and perfect. Naturally he is MY child! My cousin came over congratulated me and said he looks just like Aiden but with lots of dark hair. Unlike Aiden's birth that was an emergency I got to see Caleb and actually was awake for it. He did look just like my baby at home. He was 1 pound smaller and 1 inch shorter though but he made up for it in hair! And his hair has been in a natural faux hawk since that day. Weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and 20.5 inches long Caleb Alexander Smith was here. Our lives were forever changed and now 3 months later we couldn't have asked for a better baby or little brother for Aiden. It has been a hard adjustment but it is worth every joy and every ache. I love you Caleb and am so glad you are part of our lives. Love mommy

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