Okay so my 4 months of maternity leave are almost up. Wow 4 months I cannot believe my baby boy will be 3 months tomorrow and that I haven't been to work since October! Time definitely flies when your having fun, sleep deprived, overly tired and genuinely over excited about your life. So now that C monster (Caleb) is sleeping from 8:30p-5:30a I need to start sleep training myself. In my line of work I will sometimes be getting up at 3am so I need to get back into some type of decent schedule or else I will be in BIG trouble. So starting tomorrow I will try very hard to NOT go back to sleep after I feed C monster at 5:30. I have decided instead I will try working out for at least 30 min then maybe start my household chores. In my head I will go into the living room maybe do a Wii Fit workout and then drink some coffee and check out the news. Sounds nice huh? Let's just say I have thought about this many a time and still crawl back into my warm bed with my warm and snuggly hubby! But tomorrow is a new day and I am determined to get myself ready for work.
I have 2 weeks left and I think this will really help to motivate me to return. As those of you who are working mama's you know how guilty one can feel returning to work. I try to tell myself I have been allowed more time then most people and should feel lucky. I am just super anxious about working out our schedules and how having 2 kids will complicate pick up and drop off. Especially since C monster will go with my mom and Aiden will go to preschool 3 days a week. I have already figured out that the hubster will drop Aiden off at school and I will take C monster to my mom. That just seems easiest. But I am used to going to work early like 6 am which would mean dropping off C at 5:30 which I just can't do to my mom. So I have some thinking to do and with that I am out. Good night and pray I can stay awake and have some alone time in the am tomorrow!
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