Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Housekeeper really?

        So I don't know about you but I would love love love a housekeeper bimonthly or monthly. It seems like if I have an off week I can't catch up with the daily stuff so the big stuff falls by the wayside. I was chatting with some moms on a mommy website, and most of the working mamas had a housekeeper. I feel like I didn't get the memo that it was okay to have one!
      I don't know maybe it's because I am mexican or maybe it was just the way I was raised but as much as I want one part of me would feel like I'm cheating. I know that sounds awful but my mom worked and kept a clean house. No other woman in my family has a housekeeper. Why do I feel this way. I am totally nonjudgmental about others having housekeepers, in fact I am quite envious. What is the deal?
     My mom worked hard to keep our house clean but it wasn't as big as my house is. My parents own their own company so she had the extra time in the morning to get it done. Sometimes I feel like that is the key. I have NO time in the morning to do anything. If I want to get stuff done in the am I have to wake up no later than 5 am. And as much as I try that snooze button or worse off button is just too tempting. I want to be more productive but I feel like my energy/sleep is in such a deficit I cant.
     So as I write this I am googling housekeepers in my area. Maybe once a month just to clean baseboards, wipe down walls, you know the crap I never can get to!

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