Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Coffee Talk: The real top 10 reasons your barista hates you!

My Store

Okay so in my title I say hate but I don't really mean it. Since I have been on Twitter I have seen a lot of posts linking to blogs, articles, what have you talking about the top 10 reasons your barista hates you. And well frankly, me and my barista's hate those posts! First of all, we don't hate we just get super annoyed and/or fed up with these types of people and/or behaviors. Secondly, most of those posts are about stupid, random stuff that the one sour-puss, bitter bean barista they are talking to feels. Most on those lists were completely irrelevant to a store that is filled with people who appreciate their job and have fun at work. So here is the official "unofficial" top 10 reasons your barista seems annoyed with you:)
*Disclaimer: if you happen to be one of these types of people. I am sorry, we appreciate your business, and we really just want to be really great at our job and make sure you have a great experience.

1. Cell phone users: Please do not shush me or tell me to wait while you sit in my drive thru on the phone!!! There are people behind you who do not want to wait for you to have your conversation. It's even worse when you are standing in front of me at the register. If your call is THAT important, wait until after the call to get in line!!
2. Not indicating  you wanted your beverage iced or blended. When ordering at Starbucks, all beverage are going to be made hot unless you specify iced or frappuccino.
3. Not paying attention when the barista is talking to you and agreeing to whatever I say even if I got your order wrong (by accident) and then getting mad because I made the wrong drink or wrong size or wrong modifier. We repeat your order so you can verify that we have the right items for you. Please listen carefully I have been known to confuse a grande for a venti!
4. asking if the decaf/nonfat drink I just handed to you stating it was decaf/nonfat. Yes we make mistakes but if I say its decaf/nonfat then it is.
5. Stupid modifiers that no one is capable of getting right. I hate to break this to you but there are no halvsies!! We can attempt a half of a pump but honestly the pump really isn't meant nor designed to pump a half. And a half a shot in a venti is not a coffee beverage just order your steamed vanilla milk and be done with it. Lastly a whole splenda/sweetnlow/ equal/or sugar will not kill you or run your diet. Please don't expect me to get exactly a half a packet in your drink!!
6. You are late and mad because you have to wait your turn and then get pissy with me because I will not make your drink before the 5 people ahead of you nor will I let you cut to the front because all you want it a drip. If you are THAT LATE, don't go to a busy coffee shop and get coffee, office coffee that day.
7. Expecting free/extra stuff or special pricing because you come here everyday. I hate to burst your bubble, but while we enjoy your company and visiting with you everyday we do this with lots of people. Like 500 on a slow day. So while I would love to only charge you for a tall and give you a venti I have to pay my bills too and I like my job and want to keep it. If I have to pay for my food and refills so do you.
8. Ordering at the window during peak time and especially ordering hot breakfast items at the window. I will have to apologize and sometimes calm down the irate person behind you because they don't care that you added 3 items to your order at the window it is my fault and I am too damn slow!
9. The iced water girls. Please do not come through my drive thru, especially during peak, and only order an iced venti water. First I will only give you a tall if you don't order anything else, it's policy. Second do not be that lazy!! Third, that cup, lid, and straw cost me money and we are not allowed to charge you for it. Everywhere else gives you a tiny cup for water why do you expect a giant one from me?
10. Lastly and super importantly: We are human, we make mistakes, it's just a cup of coffee. You do not get to yell at us, call us names, throw your beverage at us or throw a tantrum because we made a mistake. That is seriously rude and uncalled for. We will gladly remake your beverage and offer to pick up the tab on another one later but don't be rude. We have feelings too.

Okay so there is my random rant of the week. I guess it was kind of a rant inside of a rant. Oh well enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. ok... you're the one who told me to order a carmel frap with a 1/2 pump mocha. now i feel like a tard. ;)
